Speakers Bureau

Speakers Bureau

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Become a Survivor Speaker 

The National Domestic Violence Hotline (The Hotline) is pleased to offer Voices, The Hotline's National Speakers Bureau that connects survivors to the community as well as create awareness and dialogue around issues related to domestic violence.

The Hotline serves as the voice of victims and survivors. Voices, The Hotline’s National Speakers Bureau is the platform that encourages domestic violence survivors to raise their voices to speak about the complexities of intimate partner violence. Voices will help transform the narrative surrounding domestic violence by giving the issue real faces, real voices and real stories at a grassroots level.

The Hotline is hosting this database of domestic violence speakers to facilitate the domestic violence conversation nationwide. Survivors interested in sharing their journey as a potential speaker will complete an application. Entities requesting a speaker will also complete a formal speaker’s request to identify their specific needs. The goal is to provide opportunities for survivors to use their voices and to serve as catalysts for changing society to have zero tolerance for domestic violence.

Please click here to request a speaker. (Please allow a minimum of 2-4 weeks days prior to your event date, and 4-6 weeks if you are requesting for October events.)

If you have questions or want additional information, please contact voices@ncadv.org.

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